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Words I like: The reason it’s taking so long is because you're in a rush. Big things don't happen on small timelines.
Every time someone asks for price on a call, and a sales rep answers with a number, an angel loses its wings. I’ve watched a lot of inbound calls in my life. For brick & mortar especially, prospects often ask for price in the first minute.
On calls where the rep answers with a number... close rate plummets. Here's the fix. It’s so simple, the only thing simpler is NOT training your team on saying it
That's it. No fancy tech. No complicated training. Just a checklist and a script that turns "maybe later" into "see you Thursday."
That is all. As promised, under a minute.
Keep it simple. You’ll sell more.
Imad Noor

Words I like: The reason it’s taking so long is because you're in a rush. Big things don't happen on small timelines.
Every time someone asks for price on a call, and a sales rep answers with a number, an angel loses its wings. I’ve watched a lot of inbound calls in my life. For brick & mortar especially, prospects often ask for price in the first minute.
On calls where the rep answers with a number... close rate plummets. Here's the fix. It’s so simple, the only thing simpler is NOT training your team on saying it
That's it. No fancy tech. No complicated training. Just a checklist and a script that turns "maybe later" into "see you Thursday."
That is all. As promised, under a minute.
Keep it simple. You’ll sell more.
Imad Noor

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Sneak peak
Sneak peak